Thursday, February 10, 2011

Taking risks and making changes...

I am starting out my teaching blog. I am in my second semester as a transfer at Salem State University pursuing my degree in Elementary Education. I am so fortunate to be back in school, especially considering where I was just a year ago. I was working as a recruiter in an absolute miserable environment. I hated going to work every day and I only dreamed about going back to school to finish my that time it seemed so far away and so unattainable. Due to downsizing at my company, I was laid off and found myself with an opportunity. Through a state program called Section 30, I was able to go back to school full time and not look for a job at the same time. This has been such a blessing for me...I have been able to come to school full time and really concentrate on taking classes and doing well. Last semester I took 5 classes and managed to get a 3.4 GPA and made the Dean's List...I took one class over Winter Session and got a B+ and now I am taking 6 classes in the Spring. I'm even planning on taking classes over the summer!

I think that I am maybe more grateful for being in school than someone right out of high school because I know what it's like to be in the workforce and when you hate your job, how much you can feel stuck. I went to Northeastern right out of high school as an Architeture major, then switched to Music Industry and then finally went into Marketing. I ran out of money and decided to get a job. It was the WORST decision I had ever made. I got into recruiting (staffing) and ended up in it for 10 years. It was nearly impossible to continue going to school. Once you start making money, going to school seems less and less important. After 10 years of working as a recruiter and doing really well, I finally had had enough. I jumped at the chance to come to Salem State full time to become a teacher.

It's been a long road, with a lot of bumps along the way, but I feel so fortunate to be in the position I'm in. I have about a year left and I'm hoping to do my student teaching in England! I have learned it's never ever too late to change the direction your life is going in. It just takes some courage and a little bit of planning, but it can be done.

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